Sunday, September 26, 2010

Week 3 - Selecting Distance Learning Technologies

The Scenario

A high school history teacher, located on the west coast of the United States, wants to showcase to her students new exhibits being held at two prominent New York City museums. The teacher wants her students to take a "tour" of the museums and be able to interact with the museum curators, as well as see the art work on display. Afterward, the teacher would like to choose two pieces of artwork from each exhibit and have the students participate in a group critique of the individual work of art. As a novice of distance learning and distance learning technologies, the teacher turned to the school district’s instructional designer for assistance. In the role of the instructional designer, what distance learning technologies would you suggest the teacher use to provide the best learning experience for her students?

Possible Learning Technologies to Use

With computer and internet-based technologies, new opportunities to provide a variety of learning activities has arisen for teachers. These new technologies promote “active learning, collaboration, mastery of course material, and student control over the learning process” (Simonson, Smaldino, Albright & Zvacek, 2009, pg. 232). Today’s children and teens are acquiring on their own, new approaches to accessing knowledge (Wiki’s, blogs, podcasts, google, facebook, etc), so it is important that from an instructional design perspective, the technology used be engaging and effective. Simonson, et al (2009) stated “the critical job of the educator is to be only as realistic as needed in order for learning to effectively occur (pg. 93). Effective use of different media allows the educator to bring sights and sound of the real world into the learning environment (Simonson, et al, 2009). As the instructional designer consulted in the above scenario, I would suggest the use of two different technologies. The first technology I would suggest the teacher use would be video conferencing with the curator at the museum. A program I recommend for this is Elluminate. Elluminate is a web-conferencing tool which allows users to view a presentation, listen to a speaker and participate in live chat. This tool would allow for real-time interaction with the curator while having an experience of visually seeing the museum through a virtual experience. Many schools and universities are utilizing technologies such as Elluminate to offer extended learning opportunities. Penn State University is one such institution. Rick Sherer, Assistant Director for Instructional Design and Delivery states "After reviewing several collaboration software tools, we felt that Elluminate Live! was the most appropriate solution for the support of synchronous events in online distance education environments (Retrieved from on September 25, 2010)

The second technology I would suggest the teacher use is a Wiki. A wiki “is a Web site that allows users to add and update content on the site using their own Web browser. This is made possible by Wiki software that runs on the Web server. Wikis end up being created mainly by a collaborative effort of the site visitors” ( A wiki would allow the teacher to post pictures of the artwork chosen to include in the class discussion. The teacher could create a page for each piece of artwork and include discussion questions. The students could then create their own pages to record their thoughts about the artwork as well as answers to the discussion questions and perhaps some of their own questions. Following this, the teacher could engage the classroom in a verbal discussion to complete the learning experience. The use of a wiki in this lesson allows learners the opportunity to publish their thoughts in a collaborative environment where others can respond and engage each other in new thinking. Osgood, J. (2009), has used wiki’s in her classroom and states “The optimal benefit of using a wiki for classroom education is the ability to facilitate and document collaboration among class members".


Elluminate :

Simonson, M., Smaldino, S., Albright, M., & Zvacek, S. (2009). Teaching and Learning at a Distance: Foundations of Distance Education (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson. (2005) retrieved from:

Osgood, J. (2009). Virginia Commonwealth University School of Social Work website: retrieved from

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Week 1 - A New Course – A New Learning Experience -- Defining Distance Education

This week we investigated the history and definition of distance education. Prior to this week, had someone asked me my definition of distance education, I would have said something like “learning that occurs away from the instructor using the internet as the learning modality”. It is interesting to me that although I am very aware of correspondence courses, and instruction utilizing satellite television, or even radio, my definition would not have included these types of instruction, quite simply because today these methods seem outdated to me. As our resources state this week distance learning has evolved and therefore how one defines it will likely evolve as well. Someone who has little or no access to advanced technology or the internet would likely define distance education differently than me. My primary experience with distance education is through my courses with Walden University in pursuit of my master’s degree.

This week my definition of distance education has grown a bit. Our text, Teaching and Learning at a Distance: Foundations of Distance Education, by Simonson, Smaldino, Albright & Zvacek, defines distance learning as “an institution-based, formal education where the learning group is separated, and where interactive telecommunication systems are used to connect learners, resources, and instructors" (pg. 32). Important to this definition, are two distinctions I would add to my definition; institution-based and instructors. The addition of these two distinctions differentiates distance education from self-study. My earlier definition left room for self-study to be included in the definition of distance education. Although self-study is important and valid, self-study is neither formal, nor measurable and leaves room for misinformation, whereas formal education is more purposeful and allows for a depth of study with acknowledged and accepted certifications and degrees. So my definition after this week would be something much like the definition provided by Simonson, et al. Perhaps something more like “Institution-based, formal education where the instructor and student are separated, and the internet or other communications technology is used as a learning modality to connect the student, instructor and resources”.

I think it is important to mention, that within my "new" definition of Distance Education, both synchronous and asynchronous learning are included. I think synchronous learning, same-time, different-place instruction creates new avenues for people to participate in an educational format, yet not have to be at a specific place to obtain that education. This offers many people a level of flexibility to take courses that geographically would otherwise not be available to them. This is definitely an important advance in education beyond the traditional same time same place brick and mortar education. For me however, the real opportunity of further education lives in asynchronous learning through schools like Walden University. Asynchronous Learning has opened doors for me that otherwise would have been closed or at least would have presented as substantial barriers. The fact that I can log into a classroom, read the work of my classmates, provide my own insights and receive feedback that potentially challenges me to think further, all at a time that works in my schedule, is incredibly exciting. For me, my motivation to learn and contribute my learning to others has elevated considerably since my brick and mortar classroom days.

The future of distance education lives in both the advances in technology that occur and the advancement of the instructional design field. Huett, Moller, Foshay & Coleman (2008) state “what we are witnessing with the current evolution of distance education and the technologies that support it is nothing less than the single most important reorganization of how we will engage learners since we started to gather students together in school buildings” (p. 65). They further state that “if schools are going to make a commitment to deliver education in this format (distance education), it will require a restructuring of how they do business necessitating the hiring of distance educational instructional designers” (pg. 66). The opportunity for instructional designers is to bring a needed awareness of sound instructional design principles to the design of distance education.


Huett, J., Moller, L., Foshay, W., & Coleman, C. (2008). The evolution of distance education: Implications for instructional design on the potential of the web (Part 3: K12). TechTrends, 52(5), 63–67.

Simonson, M., Smaldino, S., Albright, M., & Zvacek, S. (2009). Teaching and learning at a distance: Foundations of distance education (4th ed.) Boston, MA: Pearson.